The fusion between martial arts and Qi-- the energy that flows through and around the human body, physically and psychically— is a difficult idea to comprehend for outsiders to the practice of Shamanism, but for those students who choose this course, this much they know: one cannot exist without the other. The most powerful martial arts are driven by Zen-like spirituality and the most powerful magic effected only through flawless physical execution.
Students of Shamanism must grade highly in both intelligence and agility.
Accomplished Shamans are students who can sway the fate of entire battles with a myriad of skills and abilities. Shamans can minor in Spears, which gives them heightened attack power but prevents them from using spells. To cast spells, Shamans need to minor in Wands, which allows them to cast powerful healing and buffering spells in support of fellow students.
It always helps to have Shamans in your class because, as you will realize soon enough during your tenure on campus, the balance of your existence may depend on them.
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